1. 1かたち(形)
  1. 2かた(型)4
  1. 3〔抵当〕(a) security
    • 借金の形に家をとる
    • take a house as security for a loan
    • 卵形をした
    • in the shape of an egg/egg-shaped
    • U字形の溝
    • a U-shaped ditch
  1. I〔物の格好〕(a) shape; (a) form
    • この箱は君のと形が同じだ
    • This box is [has] the same shape as yours.
    • みんな似たような形だった
    • They were alike in shape [form].
    • ライオンの形をした岩
    • a rock shaped like a lion
    • ケーキは形が崩れてしまった
    • The cake has lost its shape.
    • 故郷の家は影も形もなくなっていた
    • Not a trace remained of the house where I had lived as a child.
  1. II〔形式〕(a) form
    • 形より内容を重んじる
    • value substance above form
    • 彼女の嫉妬しっとは彼への中傷という形で現れた
    • Her envy of him expressed itself in the form of slander.
    • なんらかの形で謝ったほうがよい
    • You had better apologize in some form [way] or other.
    • 向こうから協力を頼んできたという形になっている
    • Officially, [The official version is that] they asked for our cooperation.
    • これでなんとか形がついた
    • With this I managed to keep up appearances somehow.
    • 形をつけるために二人は結婚式を挙げた
    • They held a wedding for appearance's sake.
    • 形ばかりの葬式を済ませた
    • They held a simple funeral.
    • 形ばかりのお祝いのしるしです
    • This is a mere token of my congratulations.
  1. 1〔体〕
    • なりは大きいがまだ子供です
    • He is big in size, but he is still a child.
    • なりは小さいが力がある
    • Although he is small, he is quite powerful.
  1. 2〔服装〕
    • みすぼらしいなりだとサービスが悪い
    • You do not get good service when you are shabbily [poorly] dressed.
    • そんな(変な)なりしてどこへ行く気だ
    • Where are you going in that (ridiculous) getup?

