• 有力なつてがあってその会社に就職した
    • He had influential connections and got a job in the firm./He had a friend who used his influence [《口》 pull] to get him a job in the firm.
    • 出版界につてがあるから君の手記を出してくれるかどうか聞いてみてやろう
    • As I know some influential people in publishing circles, I'll ask if they will publish your memoirs.
  1. 1〔伝記〕a life; a biography
    • エジソン伝
    • a life [biography] of Edison
    • 偉人伝
    • lives of the great
  1. 2〔経書などの注釈〕a commentary ((on))
    • 古事記伝
    • a commentary on the Kojiki
  1. 3〔方法〕a way;〔手管〕an old trick [game]
    • この伝でやれ
    • Do it this way.
    • いつもの伝でだまそうとしても無駄だ
    • It's no good trying the same old trick on me.
  1. 4〔言い伝えによれば〕
    • 伝弘法大師筆の書
    • a piece of calligraphy attributed to Kobo Daishi

