1. 1〔被雇用者に関する事柄〕personnel matters [affairs]
  1. 2〔人のなしうること〕
    • 人事を尽くして天命を待つのみだ
    • We can only do our best and leave the rest to Providence.
  1. 人事異動personnel changes; 「changes in [a reshuffle of] the staff
  1. 人事委員会a personnel committee
  1. 人事院the National Personnel Authority
    • 人事院勧告
    • a recommendation ((on salaries)) by the National Personnel Authority
  1. 人事課[部]the personnel section [department]
  1. 人事消息欄a personal column
  1. other people's affairs [concerns]
    • 私には人事とは思えなかった
    • I couldn't feel that it was no concern of mine./I couldn't be indifferent to the matter.
    • 人事をとやかく言わないでおけ
    • Let's mind our own business.
    • まるで人事のようにそう言った
    • She said so as if it didn't have anything at all to do with her.
    • personnel affairs [matters]
    • appointment《任命、指名》
    • [参考]本項では雇用関係における「人事」に限定。

