1. (a) culture
  1. カルチャーショック(a) culture shock
  1. カルチャーセンターan adult education centerThroughout Japan, a wide variety of seminars, lectures, workshops, and classes are offered at so-called “Culture Centers,” by for-profit organizations, such as newspaper publishers, broadcasting companies, and department stores.The courses range from the educational (foreign languages, music, art, etc.) to the practical (“how to make soba noodles” or “how to become a professional writer”). The students, young and old, come from all walks of life.In today's graying society, such centers attract not only the young, but also the middle-aged and senior citizens who are starting a new life after retirement.(意訳:新聞社や放送局,デパートなどの民間企業が主催する有料の教養講座.語学や音楽・絵画などの学習教室だけでなく,手打ちそばの打ち方,職業作家になるための方法などユニークなコースも設けられている.受講生の年齢・職業などはさまざまだが,高齢化社会に入りつつある現在,第二の人生を歩もうとする中高年層の人気を集めている)

