• 仲を取り持つ
    • mediate ((between, in))/be a go-between/〔媒酌する〕arrange a marriage [match] ((between))/act as go-between ((for))
    • 仲がよい
    • They get along well./They are good friends.
    • 仲が悪い
    • They don't get along with each other.
    • 彼とは冗談を言い合える仲だ
    • I am on joking terms with him.
    • 二人の少年は親しい仲だ
    • The two boys are close friends.
    • 夫婦の仲を裂こうと画策している
    • He is scheming to 「separate the couple [estrange the man from his wife].
    • 私たちの仲はだれも裂くことは出来ない
    • No one can come between us.
    • しゅうとめとの仲はうまくいっている
    • She is getting on well with her mother-in-law.
    • 二人はいい仲になった
    • The two fell in love with each other.

