1. 〔伝えること〕transmission;〔意思・情報の往来〕communication;〔通達〕notification

    伝達する transmit ((to)),communicate; notify;〔思想・意味などを〕convey ((to))

    • 私の意図[このニュース]を皆に誤りなく伝達して欲しい
    • I would like 「my intentions [this news] to be correctly conveyed [transmitted] to everyone.
    • 全員への伝達には2日はかかる
    • Notification of [Notifying] all the members will take at least two days.
    • その件については彼に手紙で伝達します
    • I will communicate with him by mail about the matter.
    • この感銘は言葉では伝達できない
    • I cannot convey in words the deep impression this has made on me.
  1. 伝達事項「an item [a matter] to be conveyed ((to a person));a message
  1. 伝達者〔使者〕a messenger
  1. 伝達手段a means of communication

