1. ((keep)) a secret

    内緒で 〔こっそりと〕in secret, secretly;〔秘密を打ち明けて〕confidentially

    • 内緒の話
    • a secret [confidential] talk
    • これは内緒の話だがいいもうけ口があるんだ
    • Between you and me, I know of a way to make a lot of money.
    • 妻には内緒にしておいてください
    • Please 「keep it a secret from [don't tell] my wife.
    • 少年は内緒でたばこを吸っていた
    • The boy smoked in secret.
    • 内緒で秘密を打ち明けられた
    • He confided the secret to me.
    • 医者に内緒で病院を抜けだした
    • I slipped out of the hospital without my doctor's knowledge.
  1. 内緒事a secret; a confidential [private] matter
  1. 内緒話a confidential talk
    • 二人は何やら内緒話をしていた
    • They were talking secretively [confidentially] together.
    • 内緒話があります
    • I have something totalk to [tell] you about confidentially./A word in your ear.

