1. 1〔内部〕
    • 内輪の結婚式
    • a family [private] wedding
    • 葬式は内輪で行うつもりです
    • We will keep the funeral within the family circle./The funeral will be a private affair.
    • 他人の内輪のことに口出しする
    • 「poke one's nose into [meddle in] another's private affairs
    • その問題は内輪で解決しよう
    • Let's settle the question among ourselves.
    • 内輪の恥を外にさらすものではない
    • Don't 「wash your dirty linen [air your dirty laundry] in public.
  1. 2〔内密〕
    • これは内輪の話だよ
    • This is just between you and me.
    • たいていの家には内輪の秘密があるものだ
    • Most families have a skeleton in the closet.
  1. 3〔控え目〕
    • 内輪に見積もる
    • estimate conservatively
    • 内輪に見積もっても招待者は100人を下らない
    • By moderate [conservative] estimates, at least a hundred people will be invited.
    • 内輪に暮らす
    • live within one's means
  1. 内輪げんか[もめ]〔家族内の〕 ((have)) a family quarrel;〔仲間内の〕an internal trouble
    • 相続問題で内輪もめをしている
    • They are quarreling [squabbling] among themselves over the inheritance.
  1. 内輪話〔内密の話〕a private talk;〔身内のこと〕family [private] affairs

