- 1〔移り気〕capriciousness
浮気な inconstant; capricious
- 彼は浮気で一つのことをすぐにやめて新しいことをやる
- He is so change-able_he never sticks to one thing very long before moving on to something new.
- 2〔異性に対する移り気〕a flirtation;〔結婚相手以外との性的関係〕an (extramarital) affair
浮気な 〔恋をもてあそぶ〕flirtatious;〔移り気な〕fickle
浮気する have an affair ((with))
- 夫の浮気のために離婚した
- She divorced her husband because he was unfaithful to her.
- 彼は決して浮気はしない
- He is entirely faithful to his wife./He doesn't play around with other women at all.
- 浮気な男
- a man with a roving eye/a womanizer
- 浮気者〔女〕a flirt;〔男〕a playboy,((やや文)) a philanderer