1. I
  1. 1〔色が強い〕
    • 濃い赤
    • dark [deep] red
    • 濃い化粧をする
    • She wears heavy [a lot of] makeup.
  1. 2〔濃度・密度が高い〕
    • 濃い霧
    • a dense [thick] fog
    • 濃いスープ
    • thick soup
    • その子はまゆ[髪の毛]が濃い
    • The boy has 「heavy eyebrows [a thick head of hair].
  1. 3〔味が強い〕
    • お茶が濃い
    • The tea is strong.
    • このシチューは味付けが濃い
    • This stew is strongly seasoned.
  1. II
  1. 1〔度合いが強い〕
    • 敗色が濃い
    • The outlook is dark [bleak].
    • 作業員の疲労の色が濃くなってきた
    • The workers began to show signs of exhaustion.
    • あの男が彼を殺した疑いが濃い
    • 「There seems to be little doubt [There is a strong possibility] that that man killed him.
  1. 2〔関係が深い〕
    • 彼女は濃い血縁の者です
    • She is a close relative of mine.
    • 血は水よりも濃い
    • ((諺)) Blood is thicker than water.

