1. 1〔おかしいと思う〕doubt
    • 彼の常識を疑いたくなる
    • I'm inclined to doubt his common sense./It makes you wonder if he has any common sense.
    • 彼らは彼の話を疑った
    • They 「would not believe [had doubts about] what he said.
    • わが目を疑った
    • I couldn't believe my (own) eyes.
    • それは彼の有罪が全く疑う余地のないものであることを証明した
    • It proved his guilt beyond the shadow of a doubt.
  1. 2〔危ぶむ〕doubt ((if, whether; that));be doubtful ((about; if, whether));be skeptical,《英》 be sceptical ((of, about))
    • 彼の能力を疑わざるを得ない
    • I can't help being doubtful [skeptical] of his ability.
    • 彼の成功を疑う[疑わない]
    • I 「doubt if [don't doubt that] he will succeed.
    • 彼が約束を守ることを信じて疑いません
    • I 「do not have the slightest doubt [am confident] that he will keep his word.
  1. 3〔嫌疑をかける〕suspect ((a person of something; that));be suspicious ((of, about))
    • 彼が金を横領したのではないかと疑った
    • We suspected that he had embezzled the money./We suspected him of embezzlement.
    • 犯人と疑われた
    • I was suspected of being the criminal.
    • 彼女は人を疑うことを知らない
    • She always takes people at their word./《口》 She doesn't have a suspicious bone in her body.
    • 人に疑われるようなまねをするな
    • Don't do anything that would excite [rouse] people's suspicion.

