1. 1〔宣告する〕sentence; pronounce
    • 判決を言い渡す
    • give [pass] judgment/pronounce a sentence upon a person
    • 3年の刑が言い渡された
    • He wassentenced to [given a sentence of] three years in prison.
  1. 2〔命じる〕order, command ((a person to do))
    • 警察は彼らに立ち退きを言い渡した
    • The police ordered them to vacate the place.
  1. 3〔通告する〕announce; notify
    • 会社は労働組合に閉坑を言い渡した
    • The company announced the closing of the mine to the labor union.
    • 余命1年と医者に言い渡された
    • I was told by the doctor that I had only a year to live.

