1. 1〔速度がのろい〕slow
    • 足が遅い
    • walk slowly/《文》 be slow of foot
    • 進歩が遅い
    • make slow progress
    • 物分かりが遅い
    • be slow to understand [grasp] things
  1. 2〔夜が更けている〕late
    • もう遅いから寝よう
    • It's already late, so let's go to bed.
    • 夜遅くまで起きている
    • stay [sit] up (till) late at night
    • 交渉は夜遅くまでかかった
    • The negotiations lasted far into the night.
  1. 3〔時間・時期がおくれる〕late
    • 今年は白鳥の来るのが遅い
    • The swans are late (in coming) this year.
    • 朝遅く起きる
    • get up late in the morning
    • 遅くなるから先に行ってくれ
    • I'll be late, so don't wait for me.
    • 遅くなってすみません
    • I'm sorry it took me so long./〔お待たせしました〕I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
    • 明日から開店時間が30分遅くなる
    • Beginning tomorrow, the store 「will open [opens] thirty minutes later.

