• 異見を立てる
    • 〔別の考えを〕present a different view ((from someone else's))/〔反対を〕raise an objection ((to a proposal))
  1. 1〔考え〕(an) opinion ((on, about)),an idea ((on, about; to do; that));〔見解〕a view ((on, about; that))
    • 意見を求める
    • ask a person's opinion [view] ((of))
    • 意見を述べる
    • give [express] one's opinion
    • 問題について人と意見を交換する
    • exchange ideas [views] with a person on [about] a matter
    • 私の意見では彼が悪い
    • In my opinion he is to blame.
    • この点に関しては意見がまちまちだ
    • Opinion varies [differs] on this point.
    • 何かご意見はありませんか
    • Do you have any comment to make about it?
    • 意見なし
    • No comment.
    • 私の教育について母は父と意見が合わなかった
    • My mother disagreed [did not agree] with my father about my education.
    • 彼らは最後まで意見の一致を見なかった
    • They were unable to reach an agreement to the very end.
    • 我々は互いに意見が違うことを認め合った
    • We agreed to disagree.
    • 意見が衝突しそうだ
    • There will probably be a clash of opinions.
  1. 2〔忠告〕advice ((on, about; to do; that));〔提言〕a suggestion ((about; that))

    意見する give advice to;〔諫める〕 《文》 admonish

    • これは法律家の意見を求めたほうがいい
    • We'd better ask [seek] 「a lawyer's advice [a lawyer for advice] on this.
    • 今どき結婚について親の意見に従う若者は珍しい
    • Nowadays few young people will 「listen to [follow/take] their parents' advice about marriage.
    • 老教師の意見は胸にこたえた
    • My old teacher's admonition struck home.
    • 仕事をただちに始めるべきだという意見
    • the suggestion [advice] that the work (should) be started at once
    • 君の意見を聞く気はない
    • I don't need [want] your advice!
    • 息子に意見してその計画をやめさせてください
    • Please persuade my son to give up the plan.
    • あの学生たちには意見をしてもむだだ
    • It's no use 「reasoning with [lecturing] those students.
  1. 意見広告an opinion ad; advocacy advertising
  1. (a) violation of the constitution; unconstitutionality
    • この決定は違憲である
    • This decision is unconstitutional [against the constitution].
  1. 違憲性unconstitutionality
    • 野に遺賢なからしめる
    • leave no man of talent outside government service

