1. 1〔ある〕
    • さる人
    • a certain person/somebody
    • さる所に
    • in a certain place
  1. 2〔したたかな〕 ⇒さるもの(然る者)
  1. 1〔ある場所から離れる〕leave; depart ((from))
    • 再び戻らないつもりで彼はパリを去った
    • He left [《文》 quit] Paris, intending never to return.
    • 去る者は追わずというのが私の主義だ
    • I make it a rule never to try to detain a person who wants to leave.
    • 去る者は日々に疎し
    • ((諺)) Out of sight, out of mind.
  1. 2〔時が過ぎる〕pass
    • 夏が去って秋が来た
    • Summer 「has passed [is over] and autumn is here.
    • 5年の幸福な年月が瞬く間に去った
    • Five years of happiness passed in 「an instant [a twinkling].
  1. 3〔死ぬ〕
    • 2年前に父はこの世を去った
    • My father died [passed away] two years ago.
  1. 4〔なくなる〕be gone; disappear
    • 痛みが去った
    • The pain is gone.
    • (病気の)危機は去った
    • The crisis is past.
  1. 5〔隔たっている〕
    • 大阪を去ること30キロの地点
    • a place thirty kilometers (away, 《文》 distant) from Osaka
  1. 6〔過ぎ去った,へだたる〕
    • 彼は去る1月結婚した
    • He was married last January.
    • 今を去ること15年昔
    • fifteen years ago
  1. 7〔取り除く〕
    • 雑念を去る
    • put idle thoughts out of one's mind
  1. 8〔職などを〕resign ((from one's position))
    • 教壇を去った
    • He resigned [retired] from his teaching job.(▼retiredは定年で去ること)
    • 彼女はそのショーを最後に舞台を去った
    • With that show, she 「gave up [quit] the stage.
  1. 9〔縁を切る〕
    • 妻を去る
    • divorce one's wife
  1. 〔十二支の一つ〕the Monkey (the ninth of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac);〔方角〕west-southwest; west by southwest;〔時刻〕the hour of the Monkey (4:00 p.m., or the hours between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.)
  1. 申年the year of the Monkey
  1. I〔動物〕a monkey;〔類人猿〕an ape

    猿のような monkeylike; apelike

    • 猿が鳴いている
    • A monkey is chattering [gibbering].
  1. II
  1. 1〔ずるい人〕a sly [wily] person;〔田舎者〕a yokel,《米口》 a hick
  1. 2〔真似のうまい人〕a mimic; an ape
  1. 猿も木から落ちる((諺)) Even Homer sometimes nods.
  1. 猿芝居a monkey show;〔下手な芝居〕a poorly performed play;〔愚かなたくらみ〕「a stupid [an inept] scheme
  1. 猿知恵shallow cunning
  1. 猿真似indiscriminate imitation; shallow [superficial] imitation; aping ((a person's actions))
  1. 猿回しa monkey trainer; a showman who trains monkeys to do tricks
    • 猿回しの猿
    • a performing monkey
  1. 猿面猿面の monkey-faced

