1. 1〔戯れる〕play ((with));〔子供や動物がはね回って〕frisk, frolic, romp (around)
  1. 2〔冗談を言う,おどける〕joke;《口》・goof off
    • ふざけて言ったんですよ
    • I was only joking [《口》 kidding]./I only said it in jest [fun].
    • 彼はふざけて僕に突き当たってきた
    • He was clowning [fooling] around and banged his body against mine.
    • ふざけるなよ
    • 〔まじめにやれ〕Get serious!/Stop 「being silly [goofing off]!
  1. 3〔人をばかにする〕
    • ふざけるな
    • Don't 「make fun of [laugh at] me./《口》 Lay off.
  1. 4〔男女がいちゃつく〕
    • 人目も気にせずふざけ合っていた
    • They were flirting [fooling around with each other] without caring what anybody else thought.
  1. ふざけたやつ1〔不まじめなやつ〕
    • 彼は全くふざけたやつだ
    • He doesn't have a serious bone in his body./《口》 He is a real goof-off.
  2. ふざけたやつ2〔人を小ばかにするやつ〕
    • このふざけたやつめ
    • 《俗》 Who the hell do you think you are?
    • 子供が生まれたことをおれに黙っているなんて,ふざけたやつだと激怒した
    • When his son was born, he didn't bother to notify me. I really blew my stack and asked him who he thought he was, putting me down like that.
  3. ふざけたやつ3〔生意気,非常識なやつ〕
    • 全くふざけたやつだ
    • He's so impudent./《俗》 He's such a smart ass.
    • 親もふざけたやつが多いから教師は生徒を怒れずにいる
    • 〔あきれるほどの〕There are so many hopeless parents that teachers can't blame the students.
  4. ふざけたやつ4〔我慢のならない〕
    • こんなふざけたやつに親権を渡すつもりはない
    • How can I give custody of our child to such 「a jerk [a creep/a lowlife/《俗》 a bastard/《俗》 an asshole]?
  5. ふざけたやつ5〔馬鹿なやつ〕
    • 全くふざけたやつだ
    • He's such 「a fool [an idiot]./He's absolutely hopeless.

