1. 〔音階の〕mi; E
  1. ホ短調E minor
    • ホ短調のピアノ協奏曲
    • a piano concerto in E minor
  1. ホ長調E major
    • 変ホ長調
    • E flat major
  1. a sail; canvas
    • 帆を上げる
    • hoist [put up/raise] a sail
    • 帆を下ろす
    • lower [take down] a sail
    • 帆を畳む
    • take in the sails
    • 帆を巻く[絞る]
    • furl [reduce] a sail
    • 我々の船はすべての帆を張って真東に進んだ
    • Our ship went due east under full sail.
    • 船は軟風に帆をはらませた
    • A gentle breeze filled the canvas.
    • 彼は尻に帆を掛けて逃げ出した
    • He took to his heels in a flurry./He scuttled away.
  1. 帆座〔星座〕the Sail; Vela [víːlə]
  1. a step
    • 歩を速める[緩める]
    • quicken [slow] one's pace [steps]
    • 2歩下がる
    • take two steps backwards
    • 目標に向かって歩を一にする
    • work together toward a common goal
    • 私は目的地へと歩を進めた
    • I went [stepped] ahead toward my destination.
    • 彼らは目標に向かって着々と歩を進めている
    • They are making steady progress toward their goal.
  1. 1〔稲・麦などの〕an ear; a head; a spike
    • 麦の穂が出た
    • The wheat is 「putting forth [forming] ears./The wheat has come into ear.
    • 麦の穂が出そろった
    • The heads of the wheat are all out.
  1. 2〔尖った物の先〕the point; the (pointed) head ((of a spear))
    • 波の穂
    • the crest of a wave
    • 思いが穂に出た
    • His look betrayed his feelings.
    • 彼は一つせき払いをしてから話の穂を継いだ
    • After clearing his throat, he took up the thread of the story again.
  1. 穂先穂先
  1. 〔位が一段下の〕assistant;〔見習いの,候補の〕probationary
    • 判事[警部/書記官]補
    • an assistant judge [police inspector/secretary]
    • 外交官補
    • a probationary diplomat

