1. 1〔起こること〕
    • 椿事ちんじが出来した
    • There has been an accident./An accident has occurred.
  1. 2〔でき上がること〕
    • 新庁舎は近日中に出来する
    • The new government building will be completed in a few days.
  1. 1〔でき具合〕
    • 出来のよい[悪い]製品
    • a well-made [poorly-made] article/an article of fine [poor] make
    • 出来のよい茶わん
    • a teacup of good [excellent] workmanship
    • 出来のよい[悪い]スーツ
    • a well-cut [poorly-cut] suit
    • これはすばらしい[ひどい]出来だ
    • This is very well [badly] done.
  1. 2〔収穫〕
    • よい[悪い]出来
    • a good [poor] crop
    • 米の出来はどうですか
    • How is the rice crop?
    • 今年はみかんの出来がよい
    • This has been a good year for oranges.
  1. 3〔結果〕the result;〔学校の成績〕 《米》 one's grades,《英》 one's marks
    • 出来のよい[悪い]生徒
    • a bright [poor] pupil
    • 学校[数学]の出来がよい
    • He does well 「at school [in math].
    • 学校の出来はどうですか
    • How are his grades [《英》 marks] at school?

