1. 1〔周囲〕circumference
    • この湖の周りはどれだけありますか
    • What is the circumference of this lake?
    • この木は周りが2メートルある
    • This tree is two meters around [in circumference/in girth].
    • 地球の周りを回る
    • go [move] around [《英》 round] the earth/circle the earth
    • 口の周りをふく
    • wipe around one's mouth
    • 彼の周りに皆集まった
    • They all gathered around [《英》 round] him.
  1. 2〔付近〕the neighborhood,《英》 the neighbourhood;〔環境〕surroundings
    • 周りがうるさくては仕事の能率が上がらない
    • One cannot work well in noisy surroundings.
    • 彼の出しゃばりに周りの人が迷惑をしている
    • His interference is a nuisance to those around him.
    • 周りを気にするな
    • Don't worry about what other people think [say].
    • 周り中火の海だった
    • I was surroundedly a sea of fire.

