1. the rainy season
    In Japan the tsuyu, or “rainy season,” starts in early June and lasts for about a month. During this period, the seasonal rain front remains stationary over the Japanese archipelago and normally causes prolonged precipitation. Heavy rains often result in mudslides and flooding, and the extremely high humidity is not only unpleasant but also increases the risk of food poisoning. Still, this rainy season is indispensable for the life of the Japanese people. If there is not enough rain at this time of year, there is a significant impact on crops and water resources.
    • 梅雨に入った[が明けた]
    • The rainy season 「has set in [is over].
    • 今年の梅雨は記録的な長さだった
    • The length of this year's rainy season broke all records.
  1. 梅雨明けthe end of the rainy season
  1. 梅雨入りthe beginning of the rainy season
    • 九州地方に梅雨入り宣言が出された
    • The rainy season was officially declared to have begun in the Kyushyu district.
    • 梅雨晴れの一日
    • a clear day during the rainy season
  1. the (spring) rainy season
  1. 梅雨前線the seasonal [spring] rain front

