• 剣を正眼に構える
    • hold one's sword with its tip pointed at one's opponent's eyes
  1. ((on)) the west coast
  1. a vow
    • 誓願を立てる
    • make a vow ((to do))/vow ((that; to do))
  1. a petition ((for))
    • 請願を却下[許可]する
    • reject [grant] a petition
    • その制度を廃止してほしいと政府に請願した
    • They petitioned the government 「for the abolition of the system [to abolish the system].
  1. 請願者a petitioner
  1. 請願書a (written) petition
    • 市役所[市長]に請願書を提出した
    • We presented our petition 「at the municipal office [to the mayor].

