• 君をすっかり頼りにしている
    • I rely entirely on you.
    • 彼は頼りになる
    • He is reliable [trustworthy].
    • 彼は頼りにならない
    • He is unreliable [untrustworthy].
    • 友人の好意を頼りに
    • relying on [upon] the goodwill of one's friends
    • 彼はつえを頼りに歩いた
    • He walked with the help of his stick.
    • 彼女は頼りのない身の上だ
    • She has no one todepend on [turn to for help].
  1. 〔消息〕news ((of, about)),《文》 tidings ((of));〔手紙〕a letter
    • その後,彼から何の便りもない
    • 「I have had no news [I haven't had one letter] from him since (then)./I haven't heard from him at all since.
    • 時々便りをください
    • Please 「write to me [drop me a line] once in a while.
    • 便りのないのはよい便り
    • ((諺)) No news is good news.

