1. げんだい(現代)いま(今)
    • 当世の若者
    • the young people of todaypresent-day youths
    • 当世そんな考えは通用しない
    • Such ideas [views] are unacceptable today.
  1. 当世風当世風の up-to-date
    • 当世風の髪型
    • the latest hairstyle
    • 当世向きの週刊誌
    • a trendy weekly magazine
    • 当世流に言えば「白け」だね
    • The contemporary term would be“apathy.”
    • 党勢の拡張
    • extension of 「party power [the influence of a party]
  1. control

    統制する control; place ((a thing)) under one's control; regulate

    • 物価統制
    • price control(s)
    • その国は軍の統制下にある
    • The country is under military control.
    • 米は統制を外された
    • Rice was decontrolled [deregulated].
    • 航空[言論]の政府統制
    • government regulation of the airlines [press]
    • 大会はよく統制がとれていた
    • The convention was well organized.
  1. 統制解除decontrol; deregulation
  1. 統制経済a controlled economy
  1. 統制撤廃decontrol; deregulation
  1. 統制品controlled [regulated] articles

