1. a secret treasure
  1. a secret method;〔薬の〕a secret recipe [formula]
    • 何か健康の秘法でもあるのですか
    • What is the secret of your good health?/Do you have some secret formula for good health?
  1. 〔悲しい知らせ〕sad news;〔死の知らせ〕a death notice
    • 悲報に接する
    • receive [hear] sad news
    • その悲報を伝える彼の声は震えていた
    • His voice was trembling as he broke the sad news.
    • お父様のご悲報に接し,心よりお悔やみ申し上げます
    • I would like to express my condolences on the death of your father.

