1. entry [entrance] ((into a country));〔移民の〕immigration

    入国する enter a country;〔移民が〕immigrate into a country

    • 入国を許された
    • He was admitted to the country.
    • 入国を拒絶された
    • He was refused [denied] entrance [entry] to the country.
    • 不法入国
    • illegal entry
    • 不法入国者
    • an illegal entrant
  1. 入国管理局〔法務省の〕the Immigration Bureau
  1. 入国管理事務所the Immigration Office
  1. 入国許可書an entry permit
  1. 入国(記録)カード[申告書]a disembarkation card; a landing card
  1. 入国査証an entry visa
  1. 入国税a landing tax; an entry tax
  1. 入国手続きformalities for entry; entry formalities

