1. 1〔かわいそうに思う気持ち〕pity

    哀れな pitiful;〔みじめな〕miserable;〔感動的な〕touching

    • 哀れを催す光景
    • a pitiful sight
    • 哀れを感じる
    • be moved to pity/have [take] pity ((on))/be touched
    • 戦争で親を失った子供達は人々の哀れを誘った
    • The people were moved to pity by the war orphans.
    • 哀れな娘
    • a pitiable girl
    • 哀れな姿
    • a miserable [wretched] appearance
    • 哀れな話
    • a touching story
    • 私を哀れなやつと思わないでください
    • Don't think of me as a pitiable [wretched] fellow.
  1. 2〔しみじみとした思い〕
    • ものの哀れを感じる人でなくてはこの詩は理解できない
    • You cannot appreciate this poem unless you are sensitive to the pathos of things.
    • 世の哀れをしみじみ思う
    • feel keenly the precariousness [capriciousness] of life/feel deeply the pathos of life
  1. 3〔感嘆〕How sad!;《文》 Alas!
    • 哀れ,その子は3歳にして両親に死に別れた
    • Poor child, he was orphaned at the age of three.

