1. 1〔詳細〕details;《文》 particulars

    子細に 〔精密に〕closely;〔微細に〕minutely [mainjúːtli|-njúːt-]

    • その自動車事故の子細を聞かせてください
    • Tell us about the car accident in detail./Tell us the details of the car accident.
  1. 2〔理由〕reasons;〔事情〕circumstances;〔意味〕meaning, significance
    • 子細あって祖父母に育てられた
    • There were special circumstances, and he was brought up by his grandparents.
    • 彼女は子細ありげな様子で母は留守ですと言った
    • She said with a significant [meaningful/pregnant] look that her mother was not at home.
  1. 3さしつかえ(差し支え)
    • そのことについては別に子細はない
    • There's no problem about that./That's quite OK.
  1. 子細顔a meaningful look

