• 6畳の間
    • a six-mat room
    • その部屋は何畳ですか
    • How many mats does the room have?
  1. tatami; a tatami mat
    Tatami mats are used for flooring Japanese-style rooms. The core is made of compacted rice straw and the surface is covered with woven rush. One tatami mat measures about 3 feet wide and 6 feet long, with a thickness of about 2 inches. Although there are regional variations, each mat is always twice as long as it is wide. It is common to measure the size of a room by the number of tatami mats in it: a 6 jo (or six-mat) room, an 8 jo room, and so on. Worn mats can be dealt with by reversing the rush covering, or by changing the covering for completely fresh rush.
    • 畳の縁
    • a tatami border
    • 畳の目
    • the grain [weave] of a tatami mat
    • 床に畳を敷いた
    • We covered the floor with tatami.
    • 畳の表替えをする
    • re-cover the tatami/renew the surface of a tatami mat
  1. 畳の上で死ぬdie in one's bed; die a natural death
  1. 畳鰯いわしa sheet of dried sardines
  1. 畳表the surface of a tatami mat
  1. 畳替えre-covering tatami
  1. 畳針a tatami needle; a long thick needle for making tatami
  1. 畳屋a tatami-maker

