anything but
anything but A
1 Aのほかはなんでも I will do anything but this.これ以外のことならなんでもする 2 Aのほかは何も(…ない) He never does anything bu...
anything for a quiet life
anything goes
anything like [near] A
1 〔疑問文・条件節・否定文で〕(少しでも)Aのようなもの,Aに近いもの,Aといえるもの;Aなどはとうてい There isn't anything like [near] enough ligh...
anything of A
1 〔疑問文・条件節で〕Aがいくらか,少しは,ちょっとでも,少しでも Is there anything of a gentleman here?少しでも紳士らしい人がここにいるだろうか 2 〔...
anything you say
(as) ... as anything
((略式))(何と比べても劣らないくらい)とても…,きわめて…,非常に… She is as modest as anything.彼女はとてもおしとやかだ (as) easy as anythi...
for anything
〔否定文で〕何をもらっても(…ない),決して(…しない) I wouldn't do it for anything.なにがあってもそれはやらない
for anything I know (to the contrary)
if anything
もしあるにしても;どちらかといえば,まあ What, if anything?もしあるとして何があるんだ Ben, if anything, was a sensible man.ベンはどちらかと...
like anything
((略式)) 1 =(as) ... as anything 2 激しく,猛烈に;元気いっぱいに;めちゃくちゃに study like anything猛勉強する
not ... anything better [worse]
これ以上の[以下の]…はない I couldn't have asked for anything better.これ以上は望むべくもなかった
not come to anything
not just anything
A or anything
〔語の後につけて〕Aか何か Would you like a whiskey or anything?ウイスキーか何か召し上がりますか
..., or anything
〔文の後につけて〕 1 (…である)とかなんとか(◆まだ他に可能性のあることを示す) 2 …(だよ)ね(◆ためらいながら念を押す) You didn't hit him, or anything?...