do [perform, stage] a disappearing [vanishing] act
do [work, perform] wonders
draw [pull] in one's horns [one's horns in]
drive [push, send] A to the wall
drop [cast, put] a pinch of salt on the tail of A
fill [pump] A full of lead
get [put] A into shape
get [put] A out of one's mind
get [put] A's back up
get [put] A's nose out of joint
get [put] bums on seats
get [put] it (all) together
((米俗))1 平穏無事に暮らす,健全で落ち着いた生活をする2 混乱[心配]から免れる,冷静を取り戻す3 〈女性が...
get [pull, take] one's finger out
((英略式))1 急ぐ2 熱心に[本気で]仕事を始める
get [pull] one's head out (of one's ((米))ass [((英))arse])
get [have, stick, put] one's knife into [in] A
get [put] one's skates on
get [put] the boot on the wrong leg
get up [pick up, gather] steam
1 〈機関士が〉蒸気を起こす;〈乗り物が〉スピードを増す2 〈計画・運動などが〉勢いを増す3 元気を出す;怒る
gild [paint] the lily
give [put, set] spurs to A
go [stand, put up] bail for A
go [be, pass] out of [from] one's mind
go [put A] through the mill
God [Heaven] be praised.
hand [cash, pass] in one's checks
have [pass] a good [bad] night
have [get, put] one's ass in a sling
have [put, speak with] one's tongue in one's cheek
(hey) presto!
hold [put] a gun to A's head
1 A(人)の頭に銃を突きつける2 A(人)を脅して無理にさせる
hold [keep, play] one's cards close to one's chest [vest]
hope [pray, swear, wish] to God ...
join [pass over to] the (great) majority
(just) plain Mr. [Mrss] A
keep [pack, wrap] A in cotton wool
keep [have, put] one's nose to the grindstone
lay [put] A to rest
lay [put, place] it on the line
((略式))1 金を払う2 要求された情報を与える;率直に[きっぱりと]述べる
lay [put, get] (one's) hands on A
1 Aを手に入れる,取得する2 Aを捕まえる3 (聖職授任・堅信礼などのために)Aの頭に手を置く;Aに按手あんしゅ...
make [prove] a [A's] point
make [put on] a show of A
1 Aを見せびらかす;Aをさらしものにする2 Aのふりをする
nudged [dig, poke] A in the ribs
pace oneself
1 (レース・スポーツなどで)自分のペースをつかむ2 (仕事・物語などで)うまいペース配分を身につけるPace y...
pack a (hard) punch
((略式))1 〈ボクサーが〉強打する2 強い言葉を効果的に使う3 〈酒が〉きく
pack in
((英略式))1 他〈いやな仕事などを〉やめる,投げ出す(pack it (all) in);〈恋人と〉別れる2 ...
pack off
pack one's bags
((略式))1 旅行支度をする2 荷物をまとめる,やめる
pack the mail
pack up
1 他自荷造りする(⇒動1,1a)1a 自((略式))(仕事を終えて)帰り支度をする,仕事を切り上げる;他自((英...
pad it