• とどめの一撃
    • ((deliver)) a fatal [decisive] blow
  1. 止めを刺す1〔生き返らないように〕
    • 彼は刀でのどを突いてその男にとどめを刺した
    • 《文》 He delivered the coup de grâce by plunging his sword into the man's throat./《口》 He finished the man off by thrusting his sword into his throat.
  2. 止めを刺す2〔徹底的な打撃を与える〕
    • その批評は彼の文筆活動にとどめを刺した
    • The criticism proved to be the decisive [fatal] blow that put an end to his literary career.
  3. 止めを刺す3〔一番である〕
    • 花は吉野にとどめを刺す
    • There is no place like Yoshino to see cherry blossoms.
  1. 1〔終わり〕an end
    • 彼女の手紙の末尾には止めのあいさつがなかった
    • There was no complimentary close at the end of her letter.
  1. 2〔止めること〕
    • 兄弟げんかに父親が止めに入った
    • Their father intervened between the quarreling brothers.
    • 彼らの計画には止めが入った
    • They were ordered to suspend [give up] their project.

    やめにする 〔やめる〕stop;〔断つ〕give up ((doing));〔終らせる〕put an end ((to)) ⇒やめる(止める)

    • けんかはやめにしろ
    • Stop quarreling.
    • もうたばこはやめにした
    • I have given up smoking.
    • 今日はこの辺でやめにしよう
    • So much for today./Let's call it a day./Let's stop here for today.
    • 財政上の理由で,その企画はやめになった
    • The project was abandoned [given up] for financial reasons.
    • こんなばかげたことは早くやめになるといいが
    • I hope this absurd business will be over quickly.
    • 雨のため試合はやめになった
    • The game was rained out.

