1. 1〔基準・中心となるもの〕
    • 自己本位の人[考え方]
    • 〔自己中心の〕「a self-centered [an egocentric] person [way of thinking]
    • 彼は実験本位の授業を行っている
    • His teaching focuses on experiments.
    • 応募者の学歴よりも人物本位に考えねばならない
    • We should pay more attention to the applicants' personal character than to their academic backgrounds.
    • 彼は金[享楽]本位だ
    • Money [Pleasure] is his first consideration./His guiding principle is money [pleasure].
    • この学校は語学本位だ
    • Language 「takes the central place in [forms the foundation of] the curriculum of this school./This school makes language teaching its forte.
    • 彼は品質本位の方針で事業に成功した
    • His“quality first”policy brought him success in business.
  1. 2〔貨幣制度の基準〕a standard
    • この国は金[銀]本位制である
    • This country is on the gold [silver] standard./The currency of this country is based on gold [silver].
  1. 本位貨幣standard money

