1. indifference ((to, toward))

    無関心な indifferent ((to, toward))

    • 彼はその問題に全くの無関心を装っている
    • He is assuming an air of total indifference to the matter.
    • 学生の大部分は国際問題に無関心だった
    • Most of the students 「were indifferent to [showed little interest in] international problems.
    • 彼らは人の受けた不当な処遇に対して無関心であった
    • They were apathetic to the injustice done to others.
    • 我々はもはやその問題に無関心ではいられない
    • We can no longer remain unconcerned about the problem.
    • 彼は妻のすることに無関心だった
    • He wasn't interested in what his wife was doing.

