1. 1〔都会に対して〕the country, the countryside;〔田園〕rural districts;〔地方〕local areas,《口》 the sticks(▼軽べつ的に用いる)

    田舎の rural, country;〔素朴な〕rustic;〔地方特有の,または偏狭な〕provincial

    • 田舎に住む
    • live in the country [sticks]
    • 田舎の生活
    • rural [country] life
    • 田舎から出てきたばかりの娘
    • a girl fresh from the country
    • 田舎育ちの若者
    • a country-bred youth
    • 田舎じみた風采
    • a rustic [countrified] appearance
  1. 2〔故郷〕one's home [《米》 hometown]
    • 私の田舎は九州です
    • I come from Kyushu.
    • あなたの田舎はどこですか
    • 「What part of the country [Where] are you from?/Where do you come from?
    • 仕事をやめて田舎へ帰った
    • He quit his job and went back to his hometown [home village].
  1. 田舎言葉〔方言〕a regional dialect;〔方言の語句〕a regional word [expression]
  1. 田舎芝居a provincial theatrical performance;〔へたな芝居〕an amateurish performance [theatrical]
  1. 田舎っぺ田舎者
  1. 田舎訛なまa provincial accent
  1. 田舎町a country town
    • 彼の一座はこの2か月田舎回りをしている
    • His company has been on the road for the last two months.
  1. 田舎道a country road [path (▼小道)]
  1. 田舎者a countryman, a provincial;〔総称〕country folk;〔軽べつ的に〕a boor, a hick, a yokel, a bumpkin;〔お上りさん〕a country cousin
  1. 田舎家a farmhouse(▼農家);a country cottage
  1. 田舎料理country cooking;〔郷土料理〕a local specialty

