親切ごかしに「under a pretense of [with a show of] kindness彼がそんなことを言ったのはおためごかしに過ぎないHe was just pretendin...
仏心⇒仏心浮気心を起こすbe tempted to play around子供心にも,その人がかわいそうだと思ったThough I was only a child, I felt sorry ...
1〔物を隔てること〕壁[垣根]越しに話をするtalk 「through a wall [over a fence]2〔ある年月を続けること〕3年越しにthroughout a period of...
西部劇ごっこをするplay (at being) cowboys (and Indians)学校ごっこをするplay school鬼ごっこをするplay tag
〔…といっしょに〕みかんを皮ごと食べるeat an orange, peel and all地所ごと家を買ったI bought the house 「and the lot [together ...
遊び事recreation/a pastimeけいこ事accomplishments約束事a rule/a convention
5時間ごとにevery five hours/at intervals of five hours2日目ごとにevery other day3日ごとにevery three days/every...
政治家好みの料亭(just) the kind of restaurant politicians like [favor]花子好みの男Hanako's kind of man
1時ごろabout one o'clock4月半ばごろaround mid-April会の終わりごろにtoward(s) the end of the party今ごろ⇒いまごろ(今頃)今がかき...