1. 〔祝賀,祝典〕(a) celebration;〔祝祭〕a festival;〔祝詞〕congratulations
    • 米寿の祝い
    • the celebration of a person's 88th birthday
    • 新築祝いに
    • to celebrate the completion of one's [a person's] new house
    • 結婚祝いに何をあげようか
    • What shall I give you as a wedding gift?
    • 村人は毎年この日にお祝いの行事をする
    • Every year the villagers observe a festival on this day.
    • ご結婚[お誕生日]のお祝いを申し上げます
    • Congratulations on your marriage [birthday]!
  1. 祝い歌a festive song
  1. 祝い事a happy event; a celebration
  1. 祝い酒wine [sake] drunk in celebration ((of some event));a drink in honor ((of some happy occasion))
  1. 祝い物a present; a gift

