1. I
  1. 1〔遠ざける〕
    • その間は親友をも退けた
    • He 「cut himself off from [avoided/kept away from] even his best friend during that period.
    • 尋問は部外者を退けて行われた
    • The interrogation was held behind closed doors.
  1. 2〔追い返す〕drive back
    • 敵の攻撃を退けた
    • They 「beat off [repulsed] the enemy's attack.
  1. II
  1. 1〔拒む〕refuse, turn down;〔はねつける〕reject
    • 彼の意見を退けた
    • They refused to go along with his opinion.
    • 私の提案は退けられた
    • My proposal was turned down.
    • 誘惑を退ける
    • resist temptation
  1. 2〔地位を落とす〕
    • 彼を委員長の座から退けようとした
    • They tried to remove him from the post of chairman.
    • 公職から退けられた
    • He was ousted from public office.
  1. どかす(退かす)
    • その足をどけなさい
    • Get your foot out of my way.
    • どけるには及ばない
    • You may leave it there.
    • 箱はみんなどけました
    • I have removed all the boxes.
  1. 1どける(退ける)
    • いすを脇へのける
    • put the chairs aside
    • 人を押しのける
    • shove people out of one's way
  1. 2〔「…してのける」の形で,見事にする〕
    • 彼らはあの難事業をやってのけた
    • They pulled off that difficult job in splendid fashion.
    • 彼は短期間でやってのけると言っている
    • He says he will finish it off in a short time.
    • 彼女はきっぱりと自分の意見を言ってのけた
    • She spoke up boldly and stated her opinion.

