1. 1〔不誠意〕insincerity;〔不忠実〕faithlessness, disloyalty

    不実な insincere; faithless; disloyal

    • 言動から彼の不実さは分かる
    • I can perceive the insincerity in his speech and actions./I can see that he is insincere in what he says and does.
    • 不実な夫[妻]
    • 「an unfaithful [a faithless] husband [wife]
    • 友達に対して不実なことをしてはいけない
    • 「Don't betray [You mustn't be disloyal to] your friend.
  1. 2〔虚偽〕(a) falsehood
    • 不実な証言をする
    • give false testimony [witness]
    • そんな不実なことがよく言えたものだ
    • I wonder how you could tell such lies!

