1. failure ⇒ふさく(不作)
    • 米作の不出来
    • failure of the rice crop
    • 晩霜でりんごが不出来だ
    • Owing to a late frost the apple crop has turned out badly.
    • 彼の今度の作品は不出来だ
    • His latest work is a failure [《口》 flop].
    • この洋服は不出来で着られない
    • I cannot wear such a badly [poorly] made suit.
    • このテーブルは仕上げが不出来だ
    • This table is not finished well.
    • 不出来の息子を心配している
    • He is worried about his good-for-nothing son.
    • 勉強の出来,不出来は問題ではない
    • It doesn't matter whether he does well at school or not.

