1. 1〔元通りの状態〕
    • 両親は亡くなった兄の部屋を長年そのままにしている
    • My parents have left my dead brother's room untouched [exactly as it was] all these years.
    • 父の蔵書はそのまま残されています
    • My father's library has been kept intact.
    • その文章はそのままでよい
    • That sentence is all right 「as it stands [just as it is].
    • はい,そのまま動かないで
    • 〔写真を撮るときなど〕That's fine ― hold it right there.
    • そのままそこに置いておいてください
    • Leave it just where it is.
    • そのまま練習を続けなさい
    • Keep practicing just like that.
    • 言われた事をそのままやったまでです
    • I just did what I was told to do.
  1. 2〔次の動作に移る様子〕
    • 彼はアメリカへ行ってそのまま帰って来なかった
    • He went to America and never came back./He went to the United States and that was the last we saw of him.
    • 他に何もしないでそのまま寝てしまった
    • I went right to bed without doing anything else.
  1. 3〔そっくり〕
    • 母親そのままの明るい子だ
    • She is just as cheerful as her mother./She has inherited every bit of her mother's cheerfulness.

