- 1〔結合〕(a) combination;〔合一,統一〕(a) union
合同する 〔一つにまとまる〕combine;〔一体になる,統一する〕unite
合同で jointly; in union
- 野党が合同して知事選に臨んだ
- The opposition parties united [combined forces] for the gubernatorial election.
- 二国の軍隊が合同して演習した
- The forces of the two nations carried out joint maneuvers.
- 2〔数学で〕congruence
- 合同委員会a joint committee
- 合同慰霊祭((hold)) a joint service for the dead
- 合同演習joint exercises
- 合同会議a joint session ((of))
- 合同会社説明会a job fair
- 合同三角形congruent triangles
- 合同事業a joint venture [undertaking]
- 合同葬((hold)) a mass funeral
- 合同練習(a) joint practice