1. a (Shinto) shrine
    A jinja, or shrine, is a place to enshrine a kami_a Shinto deity, or spirit. Shinto is the indigenous religion of Japan, and is characterized by polytheism mixed with the strong influence of animism. Shinto sees the involvement of kami in all the workings of nature. Each shrine is dedicated to a specific kami. During the New Year's holidays, these shrines are crowded with many people saying prayers to the kami and making offerings.
    • 神社に詣でる
    • 「worship at [visit] a shrine
    • 神社に(神として)祭る
    • deify [enshrine] a person
    • 彼らは靖国神社の国家護持を求めている
    • They are demanding government support for the Yasukuni Shrine.

