1. 1りろん(理論)
    • その論の立て方はおかしい
    • 「The development of the theory [The reasoning] is incorrect.
  1. 2〔意見,見解〕
    • 女性論
    • a view of women/〔論文〕an essay on women
    • それに関してはさまざまな論がある
    • There are many kinds of opinions [views] about it.
  1. 3〔議論〕an argument
    • 抽象論
    • an abstract argument
    • その問題について彼と論を戦わせた
    • I argued with him about that matter.
    • 増税に反対[賛成]の論を唱える
    • argue against [for/in favor of] a tax increase
    • 二つの件は同日の論ではない
    • 〔一緒に論じられない〕We cannot argue these two cases together [on the same level]./〔比較にならない〕There is no comparison between these two cases.
  1. 論より証拠((諺)) The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
    • 彼の考えが正しいことは論をまたない
    • It goes without saying that he is right./Of course he's right.

