肝心な 〔欠くことのできない〕essential; the most important ((person; thing))

    • 練習を続けることが肝心だ
    • It is essential that you keep on practicing.
    • 肝心な点は彼がその時そこにいたかどうかだ
    • The main [crucial] point is whether he was there at that time or not.
    • 肝心な時に病気になってしまった
    • I was taken ill at the critical moment.
  1. 肝心要the main [basic] point
    • 肝心要の人が来ていない
    • The most important person [The key person] is not here.
  1. 〔暇な人〕a person of leisure, a leisured person;〔何もしていない人〕an idle person
    • 寺の建立の勧進を行う
    • solicit contributions toward the construction of a temple
  1. 勧進相撲a sumo event held to raise money for a temple or a shrine
  1. 勧進帳a subscription list [book]
  1. 勧進元1a promoter ((of a benefit sumo))
  2. 勧進元2世話人

