• 敵を完膚なきまでにたたきのめす
    • defeat the enemy decisively [thoroughly]/thrash the enemy
  1. an adulterer ⇒かんつう(姦通)
  1. 姦夫姦婦adulterers
  1. an adulteress

    還付する return;〔金銭を払い戻す〕refund;〔支払った金の一部を返す〕rebate

    • 租借地を地主に還付する
    • return the leased territory to the owner
    • 所得税の一部が還付された
    • Part of my income tax has been refunded.
  1. 還付金a refund
  1. 還付申告a tax refund application
    • 税金の還付申告をした
    • I applied for a tax refund./I filed a tax return requesting a refund.
  1. 還付税〔納税した税の超過額の返還〕a tax refund;〔税の軽減による返還〕a tax rebate

