〔熟練した〕skillful,《英》 skilful;〔上手な〕good;〔工夫をこらした,巧妙な〕ingenious
- ダンス[物まね]が非常に巧みである
- He is very good at dancing [mimicry]./He is a very good dancer [mimic].
- 彼女は手先の仕事が巧みだ
- She is very dexterous [clever with her hands].
- 巧みなからくりを見抜けなかった
- I was unable to see through the clever trick.
- 大臣は巧みな答弁で厄介な質問をかわした
- The minister evaded the embarrassing question with an adroit reply.
- 彼は巧みにその場を取り繕った
- He adroitly 「glossed things over [patched things up] for the moment.
- それは驚くほど巧みに作ってあった
- It was made 「very cleverly [with wonderful skill].
- それは巧みに仕組まれたわなだった
- It was an ingeniously set trap.
- 彼は巧みに3か国語をあやつる
- He speaks three languages fluently.
- 巧みに社長に取り入った
- He wormed himself [his way] into the confidence of the president.