1. 1〔計画〕a plan;〔提案〕a proposal
    • ハイキングの案を立てる
    • make a plan for hiking
    • 図書館建設の案は流れた
    • The proposal for building a library fell through.
    • 山田氏がその制度をやめたらどうかという案を出した
    • Mr. Yamada 「made a proposal [made a suggestion/proposed/suggested] that the system (should) be abolished.
    • 組合の総会で太田氏の案が採択された
    • Mr. Ohta's proposal was adopted at the general meeting of the union.
  1. 2〔考え,意見〕an idea
    • 案を練る
    • work over [on] one's idea/polish an idea
    • 何かいい案はありませんか
    • Have you got a good idea?/Does anyone have a good idea?
  1. 3〔予期〕an expectation
    • 案にたがわず事はうまくいっている
    • Things are going well, 「as we expected [as (was) expected].
    • 案に相違して資金が十分集まらなかった
    • Contrary to our expectations, we could not raise the necessary funds.

