1. 1〔神仏・亡霊などが〕curse; bring a curse ((on));haunt
    • 彼女は悪霊にたたられている
    • She is under the curse of an evil spirit.
    • この発掘調査は何かにたたられている
    • This excavation is cursed.
  1. 2〔悪い結果・罰を生む〕
    • これは一生たたるぞ
    • You'll 「be troubled by it [be tormented with it] for the rest of your life.
    • メンテを怠ると後々たたるよ
    • If you neglect proper maintenance, it will come back to haunt you later.
    • 親の罪が子にたたったのだ
    • 《文》 The sins of the parents were visited upon their children.
    • 深酒がたたって胃を壊した
    • My excessive drinking caught up with me, and I developed stomach trouble./I developed stomach trouble because I drank too much.

