1. (a) dismissal ((from));〔一時的な〕a layoff

    解雇する discharge; dismiss(▼dismissの方が穏やかで幅広く用いられる);〔一時的に〕lay off

    • 不況のため自動車工場で多くの工員が一時解雇された
    • Many workers at the automobile plant were laid off because of the recession.
    • 不正のため銀行を解雇された
    • The bank discharged [《口》 fired/《英口》 sacked] him for dishonesty.
  1. 解雇通知((give)) a dismissal [discharge] notice
  1. 解雇手当a dismissal [discharge] allowance
  1. 解雇予告advance notice of dismissal [discharge]
    • 1週間前の解雇予告で首になった
    • He was dismissed with [on] a week's notice.
    • 2か月前に解雇予告をする
    • give a person two months' notice (of dismissal)

