1. the lower limbs; the legs
  1. an imperial grant [gift]
    • 主君から下賜された土地
    • land bestowed [granted] by one's lord
    • 御下賜金
    • an imperial donation

    可視の visible

  1. 可視圏(the range of) visibility
  1. 可視光線a visible ray
  1. suspended animation
  1. 仮死状態a state of suspended animation; a state of apparent death
  1. 1〔川岸〕a riverbank
  1. 2〔魚河岸〕a fish market
  1. 3〔場所〕
    • 河岸を変えて遊ぶ
    • go somewhere else to play/play somewhere else
    • 華氏(零下)5度
    • (minus) 5 degrees Fahrenheit/(-)5°F
    • 摂氏100度は華氏では212度だ
    • A hundred degrees Celsius is 212° on the Fahrenheit scale.(▼文頭に数字がくる時はアラビア数字を用いないのでここでは100°C is...としない)
  1. 華氏寒暖計a Fahrenheit thermometer
  1. 〔総称〕confectionery;〔洋菓子,生菓子〕(a) cake;〔パイ・タルトなど〕pastry;〔糖菓〕 《米》 (a piece of) candy,《英》 sweets
    • 干菓子
    • dry confectionery
  1. 菓子折りa box of cake
  1. 菓子器a cake tray
  1. 菓子皿a (small) plate for sweets
  1. 菓子パンa sweet roll; a bun
  1. 菓子鉢a bowl for sweets; a candy bowl
  1. 菓子屋〔店〕 《米》 a candy store,《英》 a sweetshop;〔人〕a confectioner
  1. 〔貸し付け〕a loan;〔売り掛け金〕a bill
    • 彼に5万円貸しがある
    • He owes me fifty thousand yen.
    • 困ったところを助けてやって彼に貸しを作った
    • I put him under a debt of gratitude by helping him out of difficulty.
  1. 貸し衣装貸し衣装
  1. 貸し金庫a safety-deposit [safe-deposit] box
    • 銀行の貸金庫を利用している
    • I have a safety-deposit box at the bank.
  1. 貸ししぶりa credit crunch; refusing to extend new loans to businesses
  1. 貸し事務所《米》 an office for rent,《英》 an office to let
  1. 貸し賃[料]《米》 rent,《英》 hire;〔貸し本などの〕loan charges
    • ボートの貸し賃はいくらですか
    • 《米》 How much does it cost to rent a boat?/《英》 How much is the hire of a boat?
  1. 貸しはがしdemanding payment of outstanding loans
  1. 貸し布団《米》 bedding for rent,《英》 bedding for hire
  1. 貸しボート[自転車]《米》 a boat [bicycle] for rent, a rented boat [bicycle];《英》 a boat [bicycle] for hire, a hired boat [bicycle]
  1. 〔歌の〕the words; the lyrics(▼一つの歌詞でも複数形で用いる);〔歌劇の〕the libretto ((複 ~s, -ti))
    • 歌詞を作る
    • write the words to [of] a song
    • 歌詞野口雨情の歌
    • a song with words by Ujo Noguchi
  1. an evergreen oak (tree)
    • 樫の実
    • an acorn

